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Members invited to get involved at Oxleas AMM

Oxleas Executive team including Ify Okocha, Andy Trotter (Chair) sitting on a stage at the AMM

Our first face-to-face Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) for three years welcomed lots of our members to the fabulous Woolwich Works.

In addition to the formal business of the day, we held an exhibition showcase detailing how our members can get involved with Oxleas NHS and make a difference for those who use our services. Attendees were also able to enjoy some wellbeing activities for both mind and body.

For the AMM, colleagues were on hand to talk through developments and our plans going forward from our strategy and our three big priorities – Zero Delays, Great Out of Hospital Care and making Oxleas a Great Place to Work. Achievement of these priorities will ensure we can continue to deliver excellent care where and when it is most needed.

Our Chair, Andy Trotter, welcomed the audience, Chief Executive, Dr Ify Okocha presented our annual report and there was a financial round up from Director of Finance, Azara Mukhtar. There was also a question-and-answer session with the audience which highlighted some of the pressures health services are facing and the effects of the increases in the cost of living.

Ify Okocha said: “It’s lovely to see so many people who’ve made time to be with us today for our AMM. Despite the pressures on services and staff caused by the COVID pandemic, Oxleas had a successful year and we were able to start putting our strategy into action.

Partnership working has strengthened over the year and we are an integral part of the health and social care system in south east London, working together to tackle inequalities and improve the health of local people.

We wouldn’t be Oxleas without our staff, volunteers, partners, service users and their families and we’d like to thank all those involved in helping us through the past year.”

Watch our showcase from the AMM below.

Oxleas NHS Annual Members' Meeting 2022 from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

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