Attendees were keen to experience how we are using new technology such as Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality within our services already. Colleagues from our community mental health, physical health, children and young people’s, forensic and adult learning disability services were all on hand to demonstrate how they are improving productivity and enhancing patient experience through the use of technology.
Our Digital Services and Transformation Team also ran some sessions, open to colleagues and members of the public, to demonstrate how patients are benefiting from these innovative solutions and how to stay cyber safe.
In addition, there was the formal business of the day, the first Annual Members’ Meeting for our new Chair, Professor Andrew George who welcomed the audience. Chief Executive, Dr Ify Okocha, presented our annual report and there was a financial round-up from Chief Finance Officer, Azara Mukhtar.
There was also a question-and-answer session with the audience and presentations were made to our outgoing governors including our lead governor, Sue Sauter.
Tina Strack, who has served as a governor with us for six years, was introduced as our newly appointed lead governor.
Chief Executive, Dr Ify Okocha, said:
“I’m really delighted to see so many people who’ve made the time to be with us today for our AMM to find out what we have achieved in the past year and to hear of our plans for the coming year.”
Professor Andrew George said:
“Oxleas is a fantastic organisation and I’ve been really impressed by its commitment to support the people it cares for and, as demonstrated in our digital showcase, the desire to innovate to make things better for them.”
Watch a recording from our Annual Members’ Meeting 2024 on our Vimeo channel here.
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care