Dear All,
Oxleas is committed to equity for all. Our Building a Fairer Oxleas programme grew out of our response to the murder of George Floyd and the need to tackle systemic racism. Our work grows year by year. We want Oxleas to be a place where people feel comfortable raising issues that relate to race, disability, sexuality, gender, lived experience of mental health issues, and to know that they will feel listened to and heard.
It is worth restating that Oxleas, as an organisation, condemns racism, in whatever form, whether to our colleagues, our patients or our local communities. We are a proudly anti-racist and anti-discrimination organisation. If you are subject to abuse, we would strongly encourage you report it so that you can access the support that you need.
Amanda Pritchard , NHS Chief Executive, has given a strong message of support to colleagues across the NHS. People from more than 200 nationalities make up the NHS workforce. Her statement is at NHS England - Statement from Amanda Pritchard, NHS Chief Executive and we support her in saying: 'You are welcome, you are a valued member of our community, and that community should look after you’.
Please take time to support each other. With our thanks for all that you do to care for our patients without judgement or prejudice.
Ify Okocha and Andrew George
Chief Executive and Chair, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care