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Millbrook patients transferred for improvement works

Green parks house image

Building works have started this week to create an improved ward environment for patients and carers on Millbrook Ward at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Sidcup.

As a result, inpatients on the ward are being temporarily relocated to Norman Ward at Green Parks House at the Princess Royal University Hospital in Orpington. The works are expected to last for 12 to 14 weeks. To try and prevent confusion it will be referred to as "Millbrook Ward in Norman Ward".

Ward manager, Emma Hopkins, said: “The works will improve the ward environment for patients and carers and will be completed as quickly as possible.

“Nothing will change in terms of the care we offer or our contact information. You will still be supported by Bexley Mind Carers Support, and there will be no change to the independent mental health advocates supporting your loved ones on the ward.”


Norman Ward, Green Parks House, Princess Royal University Hospital
Farnborough Common, Orpington, Kent BR6 8NY

Reception Tel: 01689 880 000

We will inform you once the decision is made for Millbrook Ward to return to Woodlands Unit.

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