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Minister visits Belvedere school for Children’s Mental Health Week

Trinity CofE School children with Dr Alex George

The fantastic work of our Bexley Mental Health Support Team (MHST) and the pioneering work they are doing with schools in Bexley was showcased during a ministerial visit.

The visit, by Children and Families Minister, Will Quince and National Youth Mental Health Ambassador, Dr Alex George, took place during Children’s Mental Health Week.

Pupils at Trinity Church of England School in Belvedere are some of the first in the UK to receive support from the Oxleas NHS Bexley Mental Health Support Team who were established in January 2021, following a successful bid to NHSE/I and the Department for Education.

The team delivers early intervention and prevention support to children and young people with mild to moderate mental health needs. They work with schools to build resilience and positive wellbeing through assemblies on key topics of concern, such as exam stress or anxiety, and by facilitating peer support sessions.

Year 13 Pupil, Emily Saunders, said: "It was extremely exciting for our school and everyone involved to be able to meet Dr Alex George and Minister Quince. It was an incredible opportunity to share our experiences and to promote initiating conversations about mental health in education, celebrating and raising awareness of Children's Mental Health Week."

Emily Coribel, Children’s Mental Health Nurse at Oxleas NHS, said: “It is very normal to experience mental health difficulties – it is part of life. We work with 22 schools in Bexley to be alert to the early signs that a young person is struggling and can help and support with early intervention, to help prevent the need for referral to a CAMHS service. Schooling has been disrupted for so many pupils as a result of the pandemic and we’re there as a resource to help with any anxieties a pupil may have.”

Will Quince, added: “The resilience of children and young people should never be underestimated and the pupils here are a testament to this. It was great to hear from them and their teachers about the positive impact that mental health support teams are having.”

Trinity school’s mental health support team is just one of nearly 400 teams that will be accessible to school and college pupils and students in England by 2023, meaning that almost three million young people will have access to this critical support.


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