At Oxleas, we work hand in hand with the social work sector to provide the best of care and to understand challenges and successes.
One recent success, which we’d like to highlight as part of Social Work Week, was from our Forensic Community Service who were recognised at the National Safeguarding Adults Board Manager’s Excellence Awards 2023.
The award recognised the team’s commitment for going above and beyond the call of duty to support and safeguard community adult service users residing in the London Borough of Bexley.
The team were applauded for demonstrating a genuine understanding of the use of unconditional positive regard, being empathetic and empowering service users by their use of a trauma informed approach to reduce risk.
Alison Barnes, Head of Social Work and Forensic Outreach Service Manager, said:
“We were delighted to hear that our work had been recognised. I would like to thank all of the team, and in particular Gemma Stamp and Karolina Kruk whose work with two individuals in the community was highlighted for demonstrating the commitment of everyone to go above and beyond to safeguard our service users.”
Fiona Starkey-Norman, Service Manager for Forensic and Offender Healthcare Services, said:
“I would like to congratulate the team on this amazing and totally deserved achievement. It’s wonderful to see their thoughtful and professional approach to make safeguarding processes not only work for the patient but make them feel they have a voice, be recognised in this way.”
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