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New Chair takes up role at Oxleas

Andrew George visits Oxleas House with Chief Executive Ify Okocha and Kevin Takooree from the Greenwich Mental Health Liaison Team

Professor Andrew George has taken up his new role as Chair of Oxleas by visiting services across the organisation. 

He took up the role on 1 May 2024 following appointment by our Council of Governors. 

In his first day in the role, Andrew visited teams at our mental health units in Greenwich and Bromley and met a wide range of colleagues as well as governors.

Andrew with Matron Lawrence Yong at Green Parks House

On his second day, he visited Queen Mary's Hospital, meeting some of our community physical health teams. 

Over the coming days, he will also meet teams from our adult learning disability, community mental health, children and young people and offender and forensic healthcare services. 

Visits to our prison services including those in South West England are also being planned.

Andrew with physiotherapists, hand therapists and podiatrists from the MSK team at Queen Mary's

 I would like to thank all those from Oxleas House and Green Parks House who welcomed me on my first day in the Trust. 

It has been great to meet Liaison Services, Crisis Teams, the Mental Health Assessment Unit, Health Based Place of Safety as well as the ward teams. 

I come away with the impression of just how much our staff do for the people that they care for, and a much better understanding of the issues that they and the Trust face.

Andrew George, Chair

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