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New healthcare contract secured for south west prisons

Image of HMP Swaleside

We’re delighted to have been awarded the south west prison healthcare contracts for Bristol, South Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Prisons (BSGW) as well as both the Devon and Dorset clusters of prisons.

This new contract includes 10 prisons in total: HMPs Bristol, Leyhill, Erlestoke, and Ashford; HMPs The Verne, Portland, and Guys Marsh; and HMPs Exeter, Channings Wood, and Dartmoor. 

The contract has been awarded for a seven-year period, beginning on 1 October 2022 for BSGW, working towards a potential start date of 1 December 2022 for the Devon and Dorset clusters of prisons. 

Lawrence Mack, our Director of Forensic and Prison Services said: “We’re thrilled to bring the new prisons and staff onboard. We’re very much looking forward to meeting our new colleagues over the coming months and making them feel very welcome and part of the Oxleas family.”

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