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New Medical Director for Oxleas

Dr Abi Fadipe MD

We’re delighted to announce that Dr Abi Fadipe (pictured) has been successfully appointed today (22 February) as our new Medical Director.

Abi is a Consultant Psychiatrist with more than 18 years’ experience of working with people with mental health problems. She was previously our Deputy Medical Director and has extensive experience in clinical leadership and medical management, leading local and national change programmes. She is also a Quality Improvement coach and leads on our Great Out of Hospital Care strategic priority.

Abi said: “I am delighted and excited to have been appointed as Medical Director. Having worked at Oxleas for number of years and experiencing what a great trust it is to be part of, I am very much looking forward to working closely with colleagues on our future priorities”

Andy Trotter, Chair of Oxleas, added: “We are extremely pleased that such an experienced and well-respected clinician is taking up this role. Abi has been a leading force at Oxleas - not only in pioneering the development of our mental health services for older people but also in championing our Building a Fairer Oxleas work."


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