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New mental health hub is taking shape

Three Oxleas employees including Abi Fadipe, Medical Director

New mental health hub is taking shape

Our Bromley Mental Health Hub with partners Bromley, Lewisham and Greenwich Mind is taking great shape and there are exciting plans for April too.

This week Medical Director Abi Fadipe visited, to meet both Oxleas and Mind colleagues who work together in partnership from the same location. Abi is leading on our Great Out of Hospital Care workstream (GOOHC) in our strategy – one of our three main priorities.

GOOHC aims to help people in the community, where they can recover more quickly and effectively, while supporting A&E functions to reduce pressures.

The Bromley Mental Health Hub is one of three we are currently developing in partnership with charities Mind and Bridge.

There is no wrong door to this service, that’s what’s so great about it. We review the whole person, not just the diagnosis, it’s about the needs of individual as a whole. If you have been referred by your GP, we will be able to help you and we can introduce you to people, groups and organisations who can support in your own neighbourhood in the future, to help you build positive connections and a sustainable life.

Abi Fadipe, Medical Director, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust

Posted in Mental Health news

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