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New non-executive director joins Oxleas board

Damien Régent joins Oxleas Board as Non-executive director

We are pleased to announce that Damien Régent joins our Board of Directors today (1 November) as a non-executive director and Chair of our Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.

Damien is a financial analyst by background with significant experience in risk management including within the healthcare and voluntary sector. A former trustee at Crisis and Médecins Sans Frontières and a current non-executive director at Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, he is delighted to become a board member at Oxleas.

Damien said:

"I am excited to be joining an organisation that has high ambitions for community and mental health services and is committed to being a great place to work and receive care. It is a privilege to become part of such a highly respected organisation where we can work together to make a positive difference to local people." 

Oxleas Chair Andrew George welcomed Damien to the organisation. He said:

"I am delighted that Damien has joined the board of Oxleas, and that he will be Chair of our Audit and Risk Assurance Committee. This is a vital role for ensuring that the trust is well run, and Damien’s broad experience is going to help us deliver our ambitious strategy."

Damien's appointment was approved by Oxleas' Council of Governors in September 2024 and he takes up the role following the completion of the necessary Fit and Proper Persons checks. His initial term of office is for three years.

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