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New role for our Chair

Andy Trotter in front of a London Ambulance Service Ambulance

We are pleased to announce that our Chair, Andy Trotter OBE QPM, has also been confirmed as the new Chair of the London Ambulance Service.

Andy has been Chair of Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust for seven years and will continue in this role. 

Andy said:" I'm delighted to be taking up this new role as Chair of the London Ambulance Service alongside my role as Chair of Oxleas NHS. It will be interesting to get a different perspective of the system and to be involved with two great organisations in the healthcare sector." 

Andy will join LAS on 1 July 2022 until 30 June 2026. Non-executive appointments to NHS trusts are made by NHS England/NHS Improvement and subject to the Governance Code for Public Appointments (external link).

NHS England/NHS Improvement ensure that all appointments to NHS trust boards are made in a way that is open, transparent and fair to candidates.

External link

Appointment of new Chair (London Ambulance Service)

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