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NHS London Director celebrates co-production at Queen Mary’s

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In celebration of National Co-production week, our Chair, Andy Trotter and our Chief Executive, Ify Okocha, welcomed Andrew Ridley, Regional Director, London NHS, to Queen Mary’s Hospital.

After a tour of the hospital, Andrew met with our 'Can You Understand It?' Group, to hear about the invaluable work they do in partnership with our service users, to help us ensure our communication and correspondence is as clear and easy to understand as possible.

Andy Trotter, said: “It was a pleasure to welcome Andrew to Queen Mary’s Hospital. It’s a great community hospital, where we deliver a variety of services in partnership with many other NHS trusts.

“The ‘Can You Understand It?’ Group is a co-production project with service users that we are very proud of and we are immensely grateful to the service users who give their time to help us to continually improve our communication.”


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we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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