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NHS Providers leader visits Queen Mary’s Hospital

NHS Providers leader visit to Queen Mary's Hospital. Pictured L-R: Lee Bolton, QMH Operational Manager; Dr Ify Okocha, Oxleas CEO; Professor Andrew George, Oxleas Chair; Sir Julian Hartley, NHS Providers CEO and Holly Jessop, QMH General Manager.

We welcomed NHS Providers Chief Executive, Sir Julian Hartley, to Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup in early October to see the range of services on offer to local people.

Sir Julian, who is soon to become Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission, toured the hospital and then met with members of the Board and our senior clinicians. He was interested to see the partnership working at the site which enables local people get specialist care closer to home.

He was welcomed to Queen Mary’s by Oxleas Chair, Professor Andrew George and Chief Executive, Dr Ify Okocha, who said:

“We were delighted to introduce Sir Julian to the services Oxleas provides across South East London and South West England and to share our new strategy with him. It was interesting to hear a national perspective from Julian on the NHS and how providers are responding.”

Pictured L-R: Lee Bolton, QMH Operational Manager; Dr Ify Okocha, Oxleas CEO; Professor Andrew George, Oxleas Chair; Sir Julian Hartley, NHS Providers CEO and Holly Jessop, QMH General Manager.

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