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No Smoking Day 2022

Graphic on a purple background which reads 'Today is the day, No smoking day, 9th March 2022' with the Smokefree logo below

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health – and today is the perfect day to take that first step.

National No Smoking Day is an annual day of awareness that always takes place on the second Wednesday of March each year, and encourages the nation’s smokers to quit together. This year’s message is ‘don’t give up on giving up’ – every time you try to stop smoking, you’re a step closer to success.

The benefits of quitting smoking on your mental health are often overlooked, but just as it improves your physical health, stopping smoking also improves your sense of wellbeing. Withdrawal can be tough, but with help, smokers can come out of the other sides feeling happier, healthier and wealthier too.

At Oxleas, were working closely with stop smoking services in Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich to help both staff and service users quit for good.

In September last year, the trustwide ‘A Smoke Free Oxleas’ working group was established to identify smokers within the trust, encourage patient participation to understand what smokers need from us as a trust to help them reduce or stop their tobacco intake and encourage staff to seek the support of stop smoking services.

So far, the group has refreshed the trust smoke free policy, held focus groups with service users, gained long term funding for cessation projects and identified quality improvement opportunities, such as working with the COPD Early Diagnostic clinic.

Helen Jefford, Specialist Physiotherapist in Respiratory Care at Oxleas, said: “It is hugely important that all staff within Oxleas are aware of the challenges that our patients, service users and staff face with tobacco dependence.

“We are in a unique position to be able to support and advise in an empathetic way and offer support to quit at every contact we have.

“Supporting patients to quit is every clinician’s responsibility, because of the devastating impact it has on peoples’ health.”

Show your support and get involved on Twitter using the hashtags #TodayIsTheDay #NoSmokingDay and remember to tag @OxleasNHS.

Let's make a difference and help others to take that first step towards quitting.

Stop smoking services in Greenwich, Bexley and Bromley


The Stop Smoking Service offers free, local support and advice to quit smoking from friendly, trained advisors. With support, smokers are three times more likely to stop than going it alone.

Specialist support is also available for those with mental health conditions and for those who are pregnant.

For further advice: Text QUIT to 60060

Email: lg.smokefreegreenwich2030@nhs.net with your name and telephone number

LiveWell Greenwich service

Tel: 0800 470 4831 to be connected with a Stop Smoking Advisor.

Website: Live Well Greenwich - Stop Smoking for a self referral form


Get help to stop smoking (external link)

The universal offer is via London Stop Smoking helpline and website. Bromley also has 19 GP practices who have specified that they provide support to their patients, these are listed on the website.


Bexley Stop Smoking Service offers free and effective, evidence-based help to quit.

12 weeks’ support available throughout Bexley in person or by phone with a Specialist Stop Smoking Advisor.

To book an appointment or find out more, call 0800 783 2514 or refer yourself online at www.smokefreebexley.co.uk (external link) and chose ‘Sign up for a session’.

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