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October is Freedom to Speak Up Month

Image shows an Oxleas employee sitting speaking to another person

Speaking up enhances working life and improves the quality and safety of care. Listening and taking action, means a culture where freedom to speak up is commonplace, can thrive.

At Oxleas, we have two external freedom to speak up guardians, who are independent of Oxleas and provide a confidential service.

To mark this celebratory month, throughout October, our guardians will be hosting events, sharing film clips, advice and information about how the service works.

Rachel Evans, Director for Strategy and People said: “Speak up month is an opportunity to highlight how much we value speaking up at Oxleas. There are lots of ways for our staff to find out more and be part of the building a fairer Oxleas movement and help continue our journey to being a great place to work.”

The theme for Speak Up Month 2022 is “Freedom to Speak Up for Everyone” with each week having a specific focus – speak up for safety, speak up for civility, speak up for inclusion and freedom to speak up for everyone.

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

We are kind, we are fair, we listen

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