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Open doors to your health and justice nursing career

Image shows two nurses in Oxleas uniform in a prison setting

Are you or someone you know interested in a health and justice nursing career?

Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust is proud to be the country’s leading NHS provider of healthcare in secure environments and we’re looking to recruit to our fantastic teams.

Come and see us at the Nursing Careers in Health and Justice event on Wednesday 28 June at Bournemouth University’s Yeovil Campus, from 10am to 2pm.

You’ll have the opportunity to find out more about health and justice nursing careers and hear from some key speakers, working in healthcare within our secure environments in the south west of England.

Our speakers will be exploring the roles and career progression available to nurses working in health and justice settings, the role of nurses working within prison settings and dispelling common myths.

For further information please see the flyer below.

You can book your place via this link:

Come along and talk to us about how rewarding a nursing career in offender healthcare can be.

We look forward to seeing you!

Event details:

Bournemouth University, Yeovil Campus, 91 Preston Road, Yeovil BA20 2DN from 10am to 2pm.

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