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Opportunity to join our new service user/carer shadow committee

Image shows Kelli Rush, Mental Health Staff Network Chair

We're looking for people who use our services or care for someone using our services to join a new group to bring their experience into Board-level discussions.

Building on the success of our Staff Shadow Executive approach, we are setting up a group of people who have experience of our services to influence and assist in decision-making at the committees of our Board of Directors.

The service user and carer shadow committee will review issues being considered at the committees and feed into discussions that then take place.

You can find out more by watching this film:

The role would last for one year and committee members will be given support and training and paid for their time.

To apply to join, people need to have used Oxleas services within the past five years or cared for someone who has.

To find out more and for an application form, contact the Involve Team by emailing:

Please apply before 30 June 2023.


Posted in Trust news

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