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Our ECT Service

Jeck Ding

ECT (Electro-convulsive Therapy) is an invaluable therapeutic tool for the treatment of severe depression. 

Despite its somewhat difficult social image, ECT has evolved over the years into a highly sophisticated treatment, recognised by NICE, mainly for the treatment of severe depression. 

Our own ECT team are based in a purpose-built treatment suite at the Woodlands Unit in Queen Mary’s Hospital, Sidcup and are proud of their ‘excellent’ accreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists. 

The team, led by manager Jeck Ding (pictured), offers not only ECT services but rTMS services too. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a non-invasive treatment for depression where medication has been ineffective. 

Jeck said: “These treatments have changed and developed over the years and we have a very high success rate with the majority of our patients saying their health was much improved after ECT. I am immensely proud of the team and the clinical effectiveness of the service we provide.” 

It would seem the patients agree with lots of cards on display in the treatment suite, with kind words including these from Anne. ‘Thank you for all the help and kindness that you have given me over the past two months. I appreciate your support’.

Find out more about our ECT service in this short film:

Our ECT service from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

we are kind we are fair we listen we care

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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