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Oxleas Chair announces intention to step down from role in 2024

Chair Andrew Trotter OBE, QPM will come to the end of his role with Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust in 2024 as he reaches the end of his final term of office. Therefore, recruitment for a new Chair of the organisation has begun.

Andy joined Oxleas in 2015 and has seen the trust grow and develop under his tenure. Andy said: “Oxleas has been hugely successful taking forward the trust strategy over the past few years. It is now time for a new person to lead the organisation as we shape the next phase of the strategy.

“I am immensely proud of Oxleas and all that colleagues working at the trust have achieved. The response to the Covid pandemic was incredible and the organisation has gone from strength to strength putting the needs of patients and their families first.

“There has been a really clear focus on making Oxleas a great place to work. Being named as a Sunday Times Top 10 Best Employer in the country this year was testament to all the hard work that has gone into making this happen.

“I would like to thank the senior team, our Council of Governors and colleagues across Oxleas for all their support . It has been a pleasure to work with such a dedicated, compassionate and friendly group of people. I have also enjoyed working with partners in the south east London system and it has been good to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of local communities.”

Oxleas Chief Executive Dr Ify Okocha said: “On behalf of the Executive Team and all the staff at Oxleas, I would like to thank Andy for his significant contribution to Oxleas and the wider health system. His consistent leadership, knowledge and visits to our services and continued commitment to patient care have made a positive difference to people’s lives. I am looking forward to continuing to work with him until a new Chair is in post and in his role as Chair of London Ambulance Service NHS Trust.”

Oxleas Lead Governor Sue Sauter said: “Having worked with Andy since being appointed as a governor almost six years ago and more recently as Lead Governor, it has been a pleasure to work with him. He takes on board governors' thoughts and chairs the Board and Governors’ meetings with fairness and clarity. He will be missed by all, and I, along with the other Governors, wish him well for the future.”

The recruitment process for a new Chair is underway and the appointment will be made by the trust’s Council of Governors in the new year.

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