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Oxleas float through Pride’s 50th celebration parade

Image of Oxleas staff in a Pride float with a balloon arch at Pride in London 2022

A large group of Oxleas colleagues took part in Pride in London's parade on Saturday.

For the first year ever, we celebrated in style with our own float at the front of the procession.

Decorated with brightly coloured balloons and the fabulous Oxleas brand, colleagues each wore matching Oxleas t-shirts and really made an effort with our dress for the special occasion.

The float looked fantastic, the crowds loved that we were there to represent the NHS and show our support and love for our LGBTQ+ colleagues.

We must have impressed on the day, as a photograph of us on our float even made its way onto the pages of Vogue magazine!

Tobias Hill, LGBTQ+ Network Events Coordinator, who secured the float for Oxleas, planned and organised our participation from start to finish said: “I was extremely proud to be fortunate enough to celebrate pride in such a visible and validating way with colleagues and network members both old and new. It really was a privilege to stand shoulder-to shoulder with veterans from the original march, held in London 50 years ago.

“I have to say that I couldn't have done it without the input and support received from my Oxleas colleagues, from across the trust and at every level. I would like to say a heartfelt ‘thank you’ for enabling me to produce a celebration befitting of the great intersectional, holistic work we do across all our services.”

View our film from the day below:

Oxleas celebrate Pride in London from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.



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