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Oxleas leader features in top CEO list

We are delighted to see our Chief Executive Dr Ify Okocha featuring in the Health Service Journal top 50 chief executives for 2023.

In south east London, he is joined on the list by King's CEO Clive Kay as well as our South London partner, Vanessa Ford, of South West London and St Georges.

Judged by a panel of representatives from national and integrated care system organisations, the list aims to recognise individuals who have led their  organisations well, the performance of the organisation they lead and their contribution to the wider health and social care system.

Beccy Fenton, partner and UK health of health & human services for KPMG, who was on the panel, said: "Values and collaboration were at the heart of the judges' considerations. A good leader is someone who is compassionate, someone who lives their values, someone dedicated to building relationships and connections to deliver the greatest possible benefit to staff and service users alike. The 50 people who are on the list this year all demonstrate just these qualities."

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