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Oxleas NHS at Pride in London 2023

Image shows a group of around 60 people in black t-shirts with the Oxleas NHS LGBTQ+ Network logo on with a giant inflatable rainbow behind them at Pride in London 2023

With a diverse group made up of 60 colleagues and their partners, Oxleas NHS really stood out on Saturday 1 July during this year's Pride in London public event. 

Alex Green, Chair of our LGBTQ+ Staff Network, said: "What a wonderful Pride event! Thanks to all who attended, we were loud, proud and very visible with our large inflatable rainbow with the Oxleas logo proudly front and centre – already looking forward to next year!"

Find out more about Pride in London here

For queries relating to our LGBTQ+ Staff Network, please contact:

Also, please follow us on Twitter: @OxleasLGBTQ

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