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Oxleas NHS JET services welcome council leader

Danny Thorpe and JET team

‘World class care, sunshine and laughter to my life’.

Words from just one patient describing the fantastic Oxleas NHS Joint Emergency (JET) team in Greenwich and how they are improving lives every day by providing great out of hospital care.

The team, who are based at the Woolwich Centre, work alongside our social care colleagues at the Royal Borough of Greenwich – and as part of national Social Work Week 2022, we paid them a visit, with council leader, Cllr Danny Thorpe, to find out more about what they do.

The JET service assesses people aged 18 years and over, in their own home to:

  • Deliver the urgent community crisis response, as outlined in the NHS Long term plan where the team attend within 2 hours of a referral between 8am and 8pm seven days a week
  • Reduce unnecessary hospital admissions by providing rapid access to multidisciplinary interventions from our Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, GP, Social care assessors, Administrators and Handyperson
  • Assist in a crisis, for example we are about to begin a falls pick up service where referrals are received from the London Ambulance Service
  • Plan and arrange rehabilitation in the right setting, for example - a person’s home or a care setting with the patient’s best interests at heart

The team receives referrals from across health and social care including Primary Care, London Ambulance Service, NHS 111, Care homes and residents are also able to refer themselves.

William, a patient recently treated by JET, described his care as ‘world-class’ and said team members ‘brought sunshine and laughter into his life’.

Rachel Matheson, Associate Director of Adult Community Services at Oxleas NHS, said: “This integrated team works brilliantly. Integrating Oxleas NHS staff with Greenwich Council’s social care staff, means that we can help patients to quickly access the help they need without having to go through several different organisations. One single point of contact for both health and social care needs is the way it should be.”

Find out more about the work of JET in our short film here:


Our Greenwich Joint Emergency Team from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

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we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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