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Oxleas NHS - ranked 5th top trust to work for in England

The NHS Staff Survey results are released today, and we're pleased to share that we’re ranked 5th best mental health, learning disability and community services trust to work for in the country. This analysis is based on performance and whether staff would recommend Oxleas as a place to work.*

We largely outperformed the average scores and were significantly above average in a number of areas.

Here are some of the key findings from those who responded to the survey:

Over 82% of our workforce agree that care of patients and service users is our top priority, well above the average score; 88% feel their role makes a difference to patient and service users.

We’re the best performer for ‘always learning’ and the ‘appraisal’ themes.

We’ve seen large increases in staff feeling that we take positive action on health and wellbeing – up by a huge 10% since our last survey results.

93% of our workforce say they feel trusted to do their jobs, our ‘staff engagement’ scores rose again and we are consistently higher than average, our staff morale has improved and our ‘team working’ score was very high, just 0.2% behind the best performer.

For compassion and inclusivity, we score above average for having a compassionate culture and demonstrating compassionate leadership, but there is more that we need to do to tackle discrimination relating to race and disability.  We are around 9% higher than average for staff recommending Oxleas as a place to work and are also above average for staff recommending Oxleas as a place to receive care.

Since last year’s survey, we’ve seen nearly a 7% increase in staff believing that we respect individual differences (cultures, working styles, backgrounds, ideas, etc).

80% feel able to make suggestions to improve the work of their teams and 80% feel their manager values their work. 

 The results from our Bank survey were equally as positive and it’s been great that they’ve been included in the survey this year, for the first time.      

Rachel Evans, Director of People and Strategy said: “I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to make a difference. Your responses help us shape our priorities each year and this is a key part of putting our 'we listen' values into action.  

“Although we’ve made positive progress in many areas, we’re not complacent and are very mindful that there is room for improvement. We’ll be focusing on tackling perceptions of race discrimination amongst colleagues, and creating a culture where staff feel safe to raise issues around unsafe clinical practice.” 

 *HSJ 09/03/23 The best mental health trusts to work at | News | Health Service Journal (

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