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Oxleas NHS wins new £21m prison healthcare contract

Kent Oxleas

“I’m so looking forward to being back working within the NHS and being able to provide some really great care.”

Hear from Kaye and others at HMP Elmley in our short film:

New £21m healthcare contract secured for Kent prisons from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

Words from Kaye Reynolds, Clinical Nurse Manager at HMP Elmley, who is one of around 250 new staff to join Oxleas NHS after we secured a £21m contract to provide new integrated healthcare services at six prisons in Kent.

Providing prison healthcare since the 1990s

Oxleas NHS has been providing prison healthcare since the 1990s and is widely recognised as a leading NHS provider of physical and mental healthcare within prisons. In addition to the Kent cluster of prisons, we also provide healthcare services within HMP Thameside, HMP Belmarsh and HMP YOI ISIS in Woolwich and HMP Wandsworth.

Speaking at a staff welcome at HMP Elmley, Sunita Arjune, Kent Prisons Service Manager, said: “These are very exciting times – new staff, new managers and new services. I am really looking forward to working with each and every person to develop our services into the future and provide the best care possible for those we are looking after.”

Lawrence Mack is Director of Forensic and Prison Services at Oxleas NHS. He said: “We are delighted and excited to have successfully secured this contract and look forward to providing integrated healthcare to the Kent cluster of prisons for the next seven years.”

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