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Oxleas staff recommend trust as great place to work

Group of Oxleas staff in uniform

The NHS Staff Survey results are released today and show that staff recommending Oxleas as a great place to work is higher than average.

In this year's report, 69% of staff would recommend working at Oxleas which is 6% above the national average for similar organisations.

More staff completed the survey than in previous years - 9% more than last year.

Chief Executive, Ify Okocha, thanked colleagues for sharing their feedback. "We want to thank you for taking the time to make a difference. Your feedback will help us shape what changes are needed - a key part of putting our 'we listen' values into action. This will help us continue our focus on making Oxleas a great place to work," he said. "We know things have been particularly challenging over the last few years and feedback from colleagues highlights that we all need to take more time to care for our own wellbeing. We do have a range of support and resources in place and I urge colleagues to take the time to access these."

The survey results show that staff feelings on equality, diversity and inclusion have remained static and are below the national average. We therefore need to do even more to build a fairer Oxleas and ensure that we are fair and caring in our approach towards each other.  Over the coming months, there will be more ways for teams to take part in this programme.  We have made improvements to people feeling that bullying and harassment is being tackled, but we have seen a decline in staff feeling safe to speak up or report their experiences of violence and abuse. Our new Directorate Leads on violence and abuse will be working with teams on this, to make sure that we have the right support in place to keep colleagues safe.

“These results stress the importance of our Building a Fairer Oxleas programme,” said Rachel C Evans, Director of Strategy and People. “We want Oxleas to be known as an organisation that values its people, where everyone can thrive. As we emerge from the pandemic, we need to take care of our wellbeing so that we can provide the very best care to our patients.”
Actions in response to the survey will be discussed by our Executive and Shadow Executive teams and their progress will be monitored by our People Committee. The results are also available by directorate and these will be reviewed by directorate teams to agree the local actions needed.
A results summary report is available here:


we are kind we are fair we listen we care

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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