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Oxwide is back with a bang

Image shows Lisa Tan (Head of Communications) sitting at a news desk with a laptop and microphone

We’re pleased to announce that Oxwide is back for a new series and is bigger and better than ever, bringing you all the latest news and views from around the trust.

It’s been a while since our last broadcast, but we’ve been busy visiting teams across the trust to capture the latest news - and there’s lots going on.

In this latest episode, hosted by Head of Communications Lisa Tan, ADHD lead and TED Talk presenter Dr Khurram Sadiq gives us a fascinating insight into the world of ADHD and autism and why there are so many misconceptions.

Our Co-occurring Mental Health Alcohol and Drugs (COMAHD) lead Carl Knopp, drops into the Oxwide studios to talk about his role, the new Carers Group launch, and introduces the brilliant Jim Smith, a recovery musician who talks about his journey and his own struggles with addiction in a short film making its premiere on Oxwide.

With our Forensic services recently receiving an Outstanding rating from the CQC, we dropped in on celebrations to find out what is it that makes this directorate so special.

And finally, to mark International Nurses' Day, District Nurse Jayne Brownhill talks about what it is about being a nurse that she loves so much.  

It’s a packed edition that we hope you’ll enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed producing!

To watch our new Oxwide, go to


Posted in Trust news

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We are kind, we are fair, we listen

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