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Partner role for Ify with new ICS board

Image of Icy Okocha with the words 'Our healthier South East London, integrated care systems'

We’re delighted to announce that our Chief Executive, Ify Okocha, has been appointed as a partner member to the NHS South East London Integrated Care Board (NHS South East London).

His appointment as partner member for community services, will come into effect with the launch of the new Integrated Care System on 1 July 2022.

The integrated care board (ICB) holds responsibility for planning NHS services, including those previously planned by clinical commissioning groups (CCGs). The ICBs will be created as statutory organisations, including a governing board, from July 2022.

Ify, who qualified in medicine in 1985, will bring decades of experience working in local health services to his new role.

He said: “I am excited by this new role and delighted to have been appointed as the ICB’s community services partner. My focus is to improve the lives of our patients and their families and I am looking forward to working with my partner members to do so and support healthcare professionals to deliver the best care possible at home, in hospital and in the communities where they live.”
The ICB membership includes five partner members, one drawn from local government, acute care, mental health care, community care and primary care - bringing the perspective of these sectors to the ICB. The constitution requires these members to hold senior executive roles within their respective areas.

The integrated care board (ICB) holds responsibility for planning NHS services, including those previously planned by clinical commissioning groups (CCGs). The ICBs will be created as statutory organisations, including a governing board, from July 2022.

ICSs embody a new way of working which brings together all the health and care organisations in a particular local area, to work together more closely.

There are 42 ICSs across England and they will be formally established in July 2022.

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