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 Help in a crisis

Right Care, Right Person at the right time

Metropolitan Police stock image of vehicle

Right Care, Right Person (RCRP) aims to ensure that vulnerable people in London who are experiencing a deterioration in their health, receive support from those most appropriately trained to deliver it.

This approach will mean that the right agency deals with health-related calls, instead of the police being seen as the default first responder.

If someone contacts police about a health issue, police call handlers have processes in place to better understand whether a police response is required or whether a healthcare professional would be the best person to help.

Police will continue to perform their role of keeping people safe. Where there is a real and immediate risk to life or serious harm, officers will respond swiftly as they do now.

Iain Dimond, Chief Operating Officer at Oxleas NHS, said: “This new NHS and police approach will ensure the public receive the correct help from the most appropriate organisation. We will continue to work with partners and to fully brief our staff in the coming weeks to ensure the safe and effective rollout of the changes.”

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