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Royal College of Nursing with Oxleas pave the way for UK-wide standards in health and care

Royal College of Nursing with Oxleas pave the way for UK-wide standards in health and care

A groundbreaking pilot scheme has been launched between the RCN and Oxleas NHS to review nursing staff experiences, before setting new standards for use by every employer, to support those at risk of suicide and improve working conditions and workplace culture.

Today, on World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September 2024), The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) issued the findings of its report.

The RCN’s report describes how nursing staff are under pressure at work, caused by many factors including workload, a lack of work-life balance, bullying and harassment driving suicidal thoughts.

Together, Oxleas NHS will work with RCN to research the extent of suicidal thoughts amongst nursing staff, with nursing support workers, LGBTQ+, and neurodiverse nursing professionals considered the most high-risk groups. It also concludes that more research is needed to understand suicide within ethnic minority nursing communities.

Suicide Awareness Day 2024 — watch now

RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Professor Nicola Ranger, said:

“It’s becoming clear that workplace pressures are contributing to a rise in suicidal thoughts among nursing staff. This is a very serious issue that requires the full attention of ministers and employers.

“Nursing is a brilliant and rewarding career, but it can also be physically and emotionally draining.

“The RCN is pleased to be launching a pilot scheme with Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust. Together we will review staff experiences and explore how changes to workplace culture can improve staff mental health. The scheme will help pave the way for UK-wide standards in health and care.”

Jane Wells, our Chief Nursing Officer, said:

“Our nurses and all our clinicians provide outstanding care day in and day out and we recognise the pressures that they face whilst delivering care, the complexities and difficulties they encounter. It is vitally important to us that they receive compassionate care and experience psychological safety, as much as they are enabled to provide compassionate care.”

Rachel Evans, our Chief People and Strategy Officer, said:

"Compassion and kindness are at the heart of the great care we are determined to deliver in Oxleas. This is one of the three big priorities in our new strategy.

“We know that we will only deliver great care if we take the very best care of our brilliant nursing staff and all our people. We have made good progress on making Oxleas a place where people want to work, where they feel valued, cared for and included, but there is so much more that we want to do. We have big plans for the future and are delighted to be part of the RCN Compassion in Practice pilot."

Read the full report

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