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Save the date for our 2nd Oxleas Global Health Conference

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We’re excited to announce the 2nd Oxleas NHS Global Health Conference will take place on Tuesday 15 March 2022.

The theme this time is: Innovations in healthcare in response to COVID-19 pandemic: sharing learning locally and globally, and we’d love for you to join us on the day. The event will be officially opened by Professor Mark Radford CBE, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer for England and Chief Nurse, Health Education England.

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically transformed healthcare provision, care environments, and relationships with patients, carers, and professionals. Although this put increased pressure on care delivery, the provision of high-quality care depends on continuous innovation through research, and safety and quality improvement projects.

The aim of the conference is to showcase and celebrate local and international safety and quality improvement initiatives and research, initiated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and which made a real difference to outcomes and experience to patients.

Our online conference will be livestreamed, as before.

You can view our programme for the morning and afternoon sessions here. To access the event on the day, visit https://oxleas.nhs.uk/global22

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