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Search is on for new Non-Executive Directors at Oxleas

Stock photo of non-executive directors

We’re looking to recruit to two of our non-executive roles to join our board and work with colleagues to help us build on our current successes and put our Strategy 2024-27 into action.

Our Non-Executive Director, Steve Dilworth, will reach the end of his term of office with us in the Autumn and Jo Stimpson, in April of next year.

We are particularly keen to hear from outstanding individuals who are rooted in the communities we serve and bring experience and expertise to help us thrive as a complex organisation with many competing demands.

These include managing challenges such as cyber security, reaching carbon net zero, tackling health inequalities and working with diverse communities including people in prison.

We also need someone with the right financial experience and qualifications to chair our Audit and Risk Assurance Committee.

We welcome applicants from all backgrounds to ensure that our Board reflects the diversity of our communities and encourages a diversity of thought.

Further information can be found in our Candidate Information Packs here:

The closing date for applications is 23 August 2024.

Anyone interested in an initial conversation can call or email our recruitment partners, Jenny Adrian and Rhiannon Smith at Hunter Healthcare on: 07939 250362 or via email to:



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