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Share your views in Greenwich Mental Health Vision Survey

Woolwich scene

If you live in the Royal Borough of Greenwich and you’ve been touched by mental illness, then we want to hear from you.

The Greenwich Mental Health Vision 2023 Survey is a community survey by organisations involved in commissioning and providing mental health support, who are working together to co-produce a vision for mental health in the borough.

To do this successfully, it is important to collect views from people with lived experience of mental ill-health and those supporting others. If you have used mental health services in Greenwich borough, please take a few minutes to share your feedback and help shape future services.

The survey is completely anonymous and can be accessed via this link until 28 July, or you can access it via the QR code on the flyer below.

Further information is available here:  Greenwich MH Vision Survey 2023 Poster .pdf [pdf] 180KB

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