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Sign up to ICS webinars

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Find out more about the formal establishment of the South East London Integrated Care System (ICS) and what it will mean for healthcare in our communities.

The system will bring together all the organisations responsible for delivering health and care for local communities to make collective decisions on how to best manage resources and improve services.

Staff and members of the public are invited to attend one of two virtual webinars, which will be taking place on:

Please register by 5pm on Monday 28 February.

Please register by 5pm on Tuesday 8 March.

Once you have registered, the link to your chosen meeting will be send to you the day before.

Health and care organisations in south east London are already working in close partnership but changes to health and care services in England will put these arrangements on a statutory footing, making ICSs the partnerships formally responsible for allocating resources and planning services for local areas.

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