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Sun shines for opening of new children's trim trail

Oxleas Chair Andrew George at opening of trim trail at Goldie Leigh

The sun shone bright for the official opening of our Children and Young People’s (CYP) Trim Trail set in the grounds of Goldie Leigh in Abbey Wood.

Created as part of our Children's Therapies Service offer, three-year-old Dot helped Chair, Andrew George, cut the ribbon and officially open the outdoor play area, to a round of applause.

Several children enthusiastically took part in a treasure hunt, received a woodland animal balloon and, along with many adults, had a go on the different play structures. Healthy refreshments and delicious baked goods were provided.

Andrew George said:

It’s good to see young people having a good time while getting fit and active, it’s got to be good for everyone’s health.

Also in attendance were Lisa Thompson (Director of CYP services), governors Sue Sauter, Les Clark and Misheck Saineti as well as parents, staff and local councillors. 

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