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Supporting our staff during wellbeing week

Photo montage of seven Oxleas teams

To support staff wellbeing at Oxleas, we are holding our Take 5 wellbeing week across our sites.

There are a wide range of activities taking place including helping colleagues to manage the pressure of the cost of living increases. Our Mental Health Staff Network is running online sessions daily to share how, in as little as five minutes, you can practise mindfulness and relaxation.

While our Health and Wellbeing Champions are visiting teams across the trust, colleagues from Keeping Well in South East London (external link) will also have stands in our larger units.

"It's important that we take care of the health and wellbeing of our staff so that they can provide the very best care to our patients," said Chief Executive Dr Ify Okocha. "We have a wide range of support to help colleagues' physical, emotional, family and financial wellbeing and we are always seeking ways to put more in place."

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