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Take time for your colleagues on World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on 10 October.

This year’s theme is workplace mental health, highlighting the importance of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, for the benefit of people, organisations, and the communities they serve.

On World Mental Health Day, let’s all come together to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters.

Talking about our mental health, with colleagues and loved ones, is one of the best ways we can all cope better with life’s ups and downs. 

So, on World Mental Health Day and beyond it, why not check in with those you work with as well as those at home.

Top tips for good mental health at work

1. Take Regular Breaks

Why it helps: Taking short, frequent breaks helps to reduce stress, prevent burnout, and improve focus. Stepping away from work for a few minutes refreshes your mind and body. 

2. Set Boundaries

Why it helps: Creating clear boundaries between work and personal time prevents overworking and ensures time to unwind, which is vital for mental health. 

3. Prioritise and Organise Tasks

Why it helps: Feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list can increase anxiety. Organizing and prioritizing tasks reduces stress and increases efficiency. 

4. Practice Mindfulness and Stress-Relief Techniques

Why it helps: Mindfulness reduces workplace stress by keeping you present and focused. It helps to manage negative emotions and increases resilience. Try short breathing exercises, meditation apps, or grounding techniques during your break. Even a few minutes of mindfulness practice can significantly reduce stress. 

5. Foster Positive Relationships

Why it helps: Social support is a strong buffer against workplace stress. Positive relationships with colleagues lead to a more enjoyable and supportive work environment. 

Incorporating these tips into your work routine can improve your mental wellbeing and create a healthier, more balanced work life.

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