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Welcome to our Shadow Executive 2022

Screenshot of an MS Teams call with shadow executive members

The new members of our Shadow Executive for 2022 are now in place and have started sharing their feedback on proposals and developments within Oxleas.

Following a handover from the 2021 cohort, the 12 new members, who come from across Oxleas' services, are now taking on their new roles. The members of this year's Shadow Executive are:

Felicia Ajayi, Vijay Chudasama, Clare Denny, Glen Jackson, Shamim Nakasita, Hannah Olaniyan, Jesse Petherick, Khayrun Shah, Gemma Stamp, Hilary Todhunter, Martine Ukpong and Faizan Ul-Haq.

New member Khayrn is looking forward to the experience: "Being part of the Shadow Exec team has uplifted my working experience as it allows me to understand the extensive work of the trust and give my own feedback. The team is very rich with ideas and will empower me to make suggestions for positive changes within the trust."

While Felicia is keen to understand how the Executive Team make decisions. She said: "My aim is to gain insight into how executive decisions are made. Learn how feedback from the shadow executive is used and how information flows from the Board to services. I would like to bring fresh ideas and thinking, to network and be challenged.

The group will meet monthly and give feedback to the Executive Team on ideas and reports. Director of Strategy and People Rachel Evans welcomed the new group. "I find these meetings so informative and energising," she said. "I learn so much and it is great to hear the wide range of perspectives and then adapt plans in light of this feedback."


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