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Welcome to Our Strategy for 2024-27

Today, we are launching our strategy for 2024-27. 

This builds on our achievements over the last three years and aims to make Oxleas the best place to receive care and the best place to work in the NHS.

"This is an ambitious strategy," said  Andrew George, Chair of Oxleas. "Through delivering this strategy, we will improve healthcare for local people, support our communities and be the place where people grow their career."

In this short film,  Rachel Evans, Chief People and Strategy Officer, gives an overview of our plans and how they were developed.

Our purpose is to improve lives by providing the best possible care to our patients and their families. Through large-scale engagement work with colleagues, patients and service users, carers and partners, we’ve identified three priorities:

1. Great Care

2. Timely Care

3. Best Place to Work

Ify Okocha
, Oxleas Chief Executive, is committed to taking the strategy forward. "I am looking forward to working with colleagues, both within Oxleas and in partner organisations, to put this into action. We have made significant improvements during the first phase of our strategy and we are keen to take this even further and wider."

Please visit our strategy and values page for further details.


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