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We’re investing in our planet for Earth Day

Image of Berna, member of the digital transformation team

For Earth Day, on Saturday 22 April, we’re sharing shining examples of the work some of our colleagues are doing to their carbon footprint.

Earth Day honours the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect natural resources for future generations.

As part of our commitment to achieving carbon neutral status at Oxleas NHS, we’ve been asking all of our colleagues to join us in making changes at home and work, to reduce our impact on the environment. Even seemingly small changes, when made collectively, can make a big difference.

We start with Berna (pictured above), who works in our digital transformation team, with her inspirational efforts – which are also helping her to save significant sums of money:

Berna said: “I sold my old tumble dryer and washing machine and used the money to upgrade to A+++, which is much more energy efficient. 

“I do my washing on a 20-minute wash, I only use a 40 minute cycle if the washing is very dirty, this has saved money on my electricity bill. Sometimes my neighbour and I will combine our washing in my machine.

“I've been going into the office for two days each week and I drive an electric car, which I charge at work. 

“I used to drive when doing the school run, but now we walk with the dogs, it’s really good exercise, if we’re running too late to walk, we get the bus instead, I won’t drive.

“My loft has been insulated to save money on heating and I've found that if I buy the materials myself and pay someone to lay the insulation, I can save money there too. My heating goes on at 7pm and off at 9pm and is only set on low - which has kept my costs down too.”

Karen Janody, who leads the sustainability movement at Oxleas, said: ”I’m amazed by what Berna has done, she’s a real leader in carbon footprint reduction at work and at home. If we all made just one or two of the changes Berna has, then we’d be doing a great job in helping protect the planet. 

Berna added: “I love cups of tea – but I know how expensive it is to boil a kettle, so I have a big thermos and when I boil the kettle I fill it up and use this to make all my tea throughout the day - I believe this has saved a lot.

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