Helen Jefford, COPD and PR Lead for Greenwich, in her role as the SEL PR clinical lead at the time, and Abbey Adeyoyin, the SEL PR project support officer, worked alongside patients, Greenwich PR volunteers and the SEL PR ambassadors, for around a year to create the videos.
The aim is to educate both patients and clinicians on what PR is, who is suitable to attend, its benefits and much more.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) is a six-week exercise and education programme designed for people with chronic lung disease who experience symptoms of breathlessness.
The videos are being presented at a series of teaching events across South East London and have been made available to the wider public as a resource on the South East London Integrated Care System webpages.
Helen Jefford said:
“This huge piece of co-production work has resulted in six fantastic informative videos teaching the value to Pulmonary Rehab as an essential intervention.
“They are extremely patient focused, featuring patient testimonials from across South East London. We hope that any patient who has been referred to PR and is wondering ‘is this for me?’, will be able to make an informed choice and ultimately be inspired to attend.
“We also hope that they will help clinicians to decide whether PR is appropriate for their patient.”
To view the videos visit: www.selondonics.org/our-residents/your-health/local-nhs-services/pulmonary-rehabilitation
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