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Who’s your healthcare hero?

Graphic showing the Oxleas recognition awards 2022 logo on a blue background with blue and yellow balloons

Do you know a team or an individual who have gone above and beyond in the past year and deserve special recognition for their outstanding work?

We want to recognise the commitment and compassion of our colleagues in this year’s Recognition Awards 2022.

Our fantastic values we’re kind, we’re fair, we listen, we care are the focus of our awards again this year, as well as one of our strategy's big priorities - Making Oxleas a great place to work.

We are looking for a 'Team of the Year' from each of our seven directorates. Who do you know who is putting our values into action and living them daily through their outstanding work? Who is actively demonstrating improvements in quality and patient experience through new ways of working, such as a Quality Improvement project which has had a positive impact on patient care?

Our ‘Governors’ Award’ is for an individual who has gone ‘above and beyond’ to put the trust values of ‘we’re kind’ and ‘we care’ into action. Who do you know who is not afraid to inspire, innovate and ‘go the extra mile’ to make life better for those who need our help?

Our ‘Shadow Executive Award’ is for an individual who has gone ‘above and beyond’ to help Make Oxleas a Great Place to Work. Who goes out of their way to take the best possible care of their colleagues? This could be through giving colleagues the opportunity to develop and thrive, enabling them to feel supported to give their best every day, and through treating them kindly, fairly and with care.

Nominations are now open for our Recognition Awards 2022

We’d love to hear from patients, carers, members, volunteers, partner organisations and staff about who you think has made an outstanding contribution.

For an Easy Read form call Sharon Rodrigues on 020 8269 3325.

To nominate a team or an individual staff member in the above categories please visit:

https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/StaffRecognitionAwards2022/ (external link)

You can nominate as many times as you wish in both our team and individual awards.

Nominations are quick and easy to make. All questions marked with an asterisk (*) must be answered.

Closing date for entries is 10am on Monday, 25 July 2022.


we are kind we are fair we listen we care

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care

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