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World Quality Week at Oxleas

Graphic which reads 'World Quality Week 2022' with CQI and IRCS logos

World Quality Week is a yearly campaign celebrated by the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), which globally raises awareness of the quality management profession.

The week-long event is an opportunity to celebrate quality and improvement. It’s also an opportunity for colleagues to be curious about improvement, to challenge what we’ve done before and consider new ways of improving the trust and the services we provide. 

To mark this year’s international event, we’ve produced a short video in partnership with the Quality Management Team which focuses on our internal peer review process. We also had the opportunity to talk briefly with colleagues who have engaged in improvement projects.

These were colleagues who have faced real day-to-day challenges during the life of their project.

The projects our colleagues engage in aim to improve the services they provide and most importantly, improve the experiences of those who access them.

Get involved

For more information about how you can get involved please contact the Quality Management Team:

Also, for all things Quality, follow us on Twitter: @OxleasQM (external link)

Together, #WeAreQuality #WQW2022

You can watch the video below.

Improving Lives Programme Reviews from Oxleas NHS on Vimeo.

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