Our Board is chaired by Professor Andrew George and is made up of non-executive and executive directors. There are up to 15 voting members. They are:
Non-executive directors
Andrew George - Chair
Suzanne Shale - Vice Chair
Damien Régent
Jo Stimpson
Nina Hingorani-Crain
Jim Shaikh
Sophy Proctor
Muneeza Aumir
Executive directors
Ify Okocha - Chief Executive Officer
Iain Dimond - Chief Operating Officer
Abi Fadipe - Chief Medical Officer
Jane Wells - Chief Nursing Officer
Neil Springham - Chief Therapies Officer
Rachel Evans - Chief People and Strategy Officer
Azara Mukhtar - Chief Financial Officer
Our Senior Independent Director is Jo Stimpson.
We aim for our Board of Directors to reflect the population we serve and, as vacancies arise, we review the make-up of the board to ensure we have the right balance of skills and experience.
The Board of Directors and Council of Governors work closely together. The directors run the trust’s services and develop strategies and plans for the future. Directors are accountable for meeting national standards, performance targets and financial requirements. They report to the membership through the Council of Governors on the running and performance of the trust.
The governors agree the strategic direction of the trust and represent the views of the trust’s members. A report from the Council of Governors is a standing item on the Board of Directors’ agenda and the Chair of the trust chairs both the Council of Governors and the Board of Directors.
Board members bring a wide range of skills and experience to benefit our organisation – meet them here.
Since training in the 1980s, Dr Neil Springham has worked in adult mental health, addictions and now specialises in services for people diagnosed with personality disorder. He was a course leader at the Unit of Psychotherapeutic Studies, Goldsmiths College, co-founded the UK Art Therapy Practice Research Network and was twice elected chair of British Association of Art Therapists.
He has a PhD in Psychology and founded ResearchNet, a service user and provider collaboration which develops co-produced research in mental health. He has published and lectured internationally on a wide range of issues.
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care