Our Executive Team

Our Executive Team are experienced NHS professionals with specific management and operational skills. They are responsible for the day-to-day operational management of the trust. The Executive Team is led by Chief Executive Ify Okocha and the members are:

  • Ify Okocha - Chief Executive
  • Iain Dimond - Chief Operating Officer
  • Abi Fadipe - Chief Medical Officer
  • Jane Wells - Chief Nursing Officer
  • Neil Springham - Chief Therapies Officer
  • Rachel C Evans - Chief People and Strategy Officer
  • Azara Mukhtar - Chief Financial Officer
  • Lisa Thompson - Service Director - Children and Young People
  • Sarah Burchell - Service Director - Adult Community Physical Health Services
  • Aisling Thompson - Service Director - Forensic and Offender Healthcare
  • Aisling Clifford - Service Director - Adult Acute and Crisis Mental Health
  • Lorraine Regan - Service Director - Adult Community Mental Health/Adult Learning Disability 
  • Alison Furzer - Director of Digital Services
  • Rachel Evans - Director of Estates and Facilities
  • Sally Bryden - Director of Corporate Affairs and Strategic Development (Trust Secretary)


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Dr Ify Okocha | Chief Executive

Dr Ify Okocha | Chief Executive

Dr Ify Okocha qualified in Medicine in 1985 and after training in psychiatry obtained his membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 1992. He was appointed consultant in 1996 and in the same year obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree from the Institute of Psychiatry and King's College, London where he did his doctorate and post-doctorate research in psychosis and psychopharmacology respectively.

He has received commendations and won many national awards for the high-quality care clinical teams working for him deliver. These include: the National Association of Psychiatric Intensive Care and Low Secure Units (NAPICU) Team of the Year award; the Care Services Improvement Partnership 'Positive Practice' award; commendation by Hospital Doctors Award Committee; award of the British Association of Medical Managers and the Royal College of Psychiatrist Medical Manager/Leader of the Year (2009). He is on the Roll of Honour of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

He was Medical Director and Deputy Chief Executive at Oxleas before becoming Chief Executive.

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we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care