I became a Public Governor representing our public members who live in the Royal Borough of Greenwich in 2020.
I’m retired and involved in various voluntary activities. I have been a volunteer minibus driver for the trust since 2011, taking patients on trips and to appointments. I also volunteer at Samaritans and on the Independent Monitoring Board at one of our local prisons where Oxleas provides healthcare.
My background is in science and technology. I stared my career in Chemistry research but spent most of it in software engineering management. My last job before retirement was managing a department producing software for mobile phones at Nokia.
I think the NHS is one of the UK's greatest institutions and I enjoy doing whatever I can to help make it even better for local people.
I'm interested in local conservation and biodiversity, especially bats and hedgehogs. I have led community-based groups and talks on the subject and am also interested in astronomy and in visiting London’s galleries, museums and theatres.
You can contact me by:
emailing oxl-tr.governors@nhs.net
or you can call the Trust Secretary's office on 01322 625752 - they will pass a message on to me.
you can also write to me c/o the Trust Secretary's Office, Pinewood House, Pinewood Place, Dartford DA2 7WG.
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care