Child engaging with a sensory wall.

Sensory processing

Advice for parents and carers on how to support your child's sensory needs.

Proprioception: Therapy Ball Activities (video)

Proprioception: Therapy Ball Activities (text)

Proprioception: Therapy Ball Activities video 1

Proprioception: Therapy Ball Activities video 2 (video)

Proprioception: Therapy Ball Activities video 2 (text)

Proprioception: Therapy Ball Activities video 2

Proprioception: Deep Pressure/Joint Compressions (video)

Proprioception: Deep Pressure/Joint Compressions (text)

Proprioception: Deep Pressure/Joint Compressions

Proprioception: Animal Walks/Heavy Work (video)

Proprioception: Animal Walks/Heavy Work (text)

Proprioception: Animal Walks/Heavy Work

Vestibular (video)

Vestibular (text)


The OT Sensory Webinar (video)

The OT Sensory Webinar (text)

The OT Sensory Webinar

Supporting children with sensory processing difficulties.

We are kind, we are fair, we listen

we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care