I'm a Service User/Carer Governor representing carers of people using our services. I've been a governor since 2018 and became Lead Governor in October 2024.
I have 20 years’ experience working as a programme manager in health care in Canada and the UK in the areas of quality improvement, large scale change and data analytics.
In my current role, I commission programmes which measure health services against standards to help them understand where they can improve.
Although I’ve worked in healthcare, it wasn’t until I became a carer for my mother-in-law that I fully appreciated the patient perspective.
I’m especially passionate about the role that carers play as a partner in caring for patients. I also want to ensure that the patient and carer voice is included at every level within Oxleas.
I enjoy participating in Oxleas meetings where I feel my views and experience as a carer are valued and listened to.
Outside of Oxleas, I am very interested in the arts. I have been involved with local amateur theatre productions and I am also trustee of a small theatre company. I especially love modern art – the weirder the better.
You can contact me by:
emailing oxl-tr.governors@nhs.net
or you can call the Trust Secretary's office on 01322 625752 - they will pass a message on to me.
you can also write to me c/o the Trust Secretary's Office, Pinewood House, Pinewood Place, Dartford DA2 7WG.
we’re kind we’re fair we listen we care