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Our Adult Autism Service provides Autism diagnostic assessments to adults without a learning disability (or those who do not meet eligibility for the learning disability service), over the age of 18, and who have a GP registered in Bexley, Bromley, or Greenwich.
We are a team of professionals specialising in assessing autistic adults. Our team includes Psychologists, Speech and Language and Occupational Therapists, with extensive experience in this field.
We carry out Autism diagnostic assessments and provide recommendations and signposting as needed.
We provide a comprehensive and robust Autism assessment in accordance with NICE guidance and international standards for Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnoses based on the DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria. Please note that our service does not offer post-diagnostic support.
We provide a diagnostic assessment to:
Referrals should be made via your GP to one of the Mental Health Hubs within the borough where you live.
Please note: We are unable to offer reassessments or second opinions for clients who have already received an Autism diagnostic assessment in the past.
For adults seeking an autism assessment the process is:
Find out how to refer to our Autism Partnership Programme (APP) — for service users admitted or at risk of admission in acute care.
Referral information for GPs:
Bexley: bexleycare.spc@nhs.net
Bromley: oxl-tr.referralsbromleywest@nhs.net
Greenwich: oxl-tr.referralspcpgreenwich@nhs.net
Please note: As a diagnostic only service, we are NOT commissioned to provide:
For individuals currently open to a mental health team and at risk of, or currently admitted to, a mental health ward/unit please see information regarding - The Autism Partnership Programme (APP).
We're open Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm. Please note we only offer appointments during those hours.
Phone: 020 8676 5453 or 020 8269 3300
Email: oxl-tr.adultasdassessment@nhs.net
Please note we are not a crisis service. If you are in crisis, please contact our Crisis Line on 0800 330 8590, call 999 or go to your local A&E Department.
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